Thursday, 12 January 2012

hOw tO aVoId fiGHts wItH yOUr giRlFrIeNd

Everyone knows that fighting with your girlfriend is never pleasant. However, when you see a fight coming the wise thing to do is not to get into it, but to solve your problems peacefully and here are a few steps to do it.


  • Wait a few minutes to talk about what happened. This will give you some time to breathe. When you are calmed down is easier to talk and understand what the fight is really about.

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  • Try talking to her in a calmed way in some private place. It is never good to solve your relationship problems in public or being pretty mad. It's better if you are willing to listen and to avoid being rude
  • Let her know your point of view about the situation. You must let her know what you think about what happened and how you feel about it. Try always to be polite.
  • Listen to what she has to say. Remember that there is always two sides in a story, so you have to listen to your girlfriend respectfully and be willing accept if you did wrong.
  • Make sure you are properly sorry before you apologize. Speak clearly and slowly. If she is still mad at you let her speak or scream at you; remember you did your best to apologize. If she does not accept your apology try waiting a few days, then try to apologize again. You never know, they might try to apologize too. If you come to realize that the argument was because of you, you must accept your actions and be responsible and do what you have to.

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  • Always take your time.
  • No yelling.
  • No hitting/punching/violence.
  • Explain your side by using neutral language, such as "I felt that we..."
  • Don't use words like "you". The other person will think you're blaming them.
  • Don't be accusing or insulting, e.g. "You are retarded!
  • Never say that she is wrong, say you are wrong, women like to hear that. She may feel bad and be like "Yeah, I guess I was wrong" or she may say "That is correct, you are wrong!"


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