20 Quick facts About The Dead Sea
- The Dead Sea isn’t actually a sea at all! The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake.
- Hence the name, there is no marine life in the Dead Sea. The high mineral and salt content of the waters make it impossible for fish or plants to live.
- The Dead Sea is the second saltiest body of water in the world, with a salt content of 33%.
- Cleopatra loved the Dead Sea so much, she ordered that cosmetic factories and resorts be built along its shores.
- You can lay on the surface of the water without even trying to float. The high salt content makes you buoyant.
- Water flows into the Dead Sea from streams and rivers, but does not flow out.
- Dead Sea salt is super bitter and not at all like table salt.
- The Dead Sea is filled with minerals including calcium, iodine, saline, potassium, and bromide.
- The minerals in the Dead Sea all naturally occur within our bodies.
- Egyptians used mud from the Dead Sea in their mummification of the deceased.
- Centuries ago, one of the popular names of the Dead Sea was “The Stinky Sea”.
- Asphalt often rises to the surface of the water in the Dead Sea. The Greeks called it “Lake Asphaltites” after the strange phenomenon.
- The climate of the Dead Sea region is sunny, warm and dry all year round.
- Both Jesus and John the Baptist are closely tied to the Dead Sea in biblical writings.
- In the Bible, it is said that the Dead Sea will one day come alive and fill with marine life.
- The shores of Dead Sea mark the lowest elevation on earth.
- Aristotle wrote about the Dead Sea in his writings.
- During the 20th Century, the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were discovered. These scrolls are the ancient writings of the Essenes.
- The Dead Sea is 3 million years old.
- The unique salt in the Dead Sea treats acne, psoriasis, hives, cellulite, dry skin, dandruff, stress, muscle aches, and more.
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