Wednesday, 13 June 2012

5 Must-Have Devices for Music Lovers

5-must-have-devices_for_music_lovers_new.jpgAny avid music-lover is well aware of their borderline unhealthy obsession with a good beat. You know who you are. You're the person who can't go five seconds of walking down the street without throwing on those massive headphones and rocking out to the latest Drake tune or classic Zeppelin song. There's nothing wrong with this. In fact, this addiction to music is experienced by millions of people all over the world. What is wrong is listening to that classic jam without the necessary equipment. Considering the surplus of awesome new gadgets to enhance your listening experience, playing your favorite song on an old Discman is like driving to work with a horse and buggy. It may be vintage-chic, but it's completely inefficient and extremely outdated.

Now, many of you may be thinking, "I'm so overwhelmed! There are just too many devices out there to even know where to start." Fear not my music-loving friend, as Trend Hunter has an array of gadgets that will make those plain white iPod earbuds look like useless pieces of string hanging from your head. From headphones that emit a delicious chocolate aroma to classic speakers incorporated into cedar cigar cases, Trend Hunter has broken down five of the best and most original gadgets to enhance your music-listening experience. 

sonic_walk_igniter.jpgSonic Walk Igniter
Have you ever tried running in the rain? If you're one of those people who feels like an Olympic athlete because hypothermia is about to set in and you feel "tough," just remember your iPod doesn't quite share those sentiments. A drop of water can turn your precious music blaster into a fried and sizzling piece of electronic mess. To counter this potential disaster, the Sonic Walk Igniter was invented for those who enjoy keeping their iPods in one piece, and feel invigorated when the heavens open up to relieve themselves. The contraption is also lightweight, ensuring runners aren't bogged down with unnecessary equipment and lack of tunes.

Joey_Andolina_speaker_vest.jpgThe Speaker Vest
For those who lived through the 90s, you'll remember hip-hop artists in popular rap videos jamming to a heavy boombox resting on their shoulder. While this may look "cool," I'm sure the muscle cramping that occurred from carrying a 20-pound weight in that position was not. Fast-forward a couple decades and many neck problems later, and Joey Andolina decided to bring back this popular craze with a bit more practicality. The Speaker Vest moves this music-pumping machine to the back and is attached to a durable piece of clothing. This allows users to walk around, listening to tunes without worrying about potential injuries. The design also looks badass, so if you're going for the Terminator look feel free to add a pair of shades to this outfit and put on an Arnie accent.  

Sound Like Chocolate Headphones
Although walking the streets with a pair of good-looking headphones looks sly, the smell that eventually emits from these bad boys is not pleasant. Sweat is just one of those bodily functions that's hard to ignore, and if you're someone who likes a good jog every now and then, an ill-fated aroma will eventually encase your much-loved headset. But what if there was a way to avoid this audacity? What if your headphones smelled like...chocolate? Although some may scoff at this ridiculous statement, the good people over at Fu-Bi decided to give it a try. The 'Sound Like Chocolate' headphones not only blast beats, but smell like delicious chocolate melting on a warm summers day. Perhaps more suited to women (or the real man who fully embraces his inner chocolate cravings), this gadget would be the perfect gift for Valentine's Day for all the tune-jamming lasses out there.  

Cedar_Cigar_Box_Powered_Speakers .jpg
Cedar Cigar Box Powered Speakers
For those who enjoy a good cigar but are concerned about the affects on health, the Cedar Cigar Box Powered Speakers make for a smart-living happy medium. These sturdy music blasters have a retro look, but don't be fooled into thinking they can't pack a mean punch. Just imagine your next dinner party with these pumping a few classic Frank Sinatra soundtracks to entertain the guests. The design screams timeless, and demonstrates to visitors your impeccable sense of style. Although bigger speakers may do the trick, they will not get you brownie points when it comes to suaveness. If you're in the mood to splurge, you can even light up a Cuban.  

Last, but certainly not least in this comprehensive overview of must-have gadgets is a set of headphones to turn nomads into DJ pros. Sure, making beats in your bedroom is fun, but who wants to be confined to this cramped space? You sound cool saying you're mixing some tracks, but doing this at home on a Friday night is not exactly the epitome of hot. To avoid this embarrassing ordeal, the Spin Headphones allow wanderers to sample songs through one headphone, and scratch with the other. Users are thus able to make music on the go, and can even get some exercise at the same time.  


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